Baby Trades Delivery Room for Hospital Parking Lot

A South Jersey mother was forced to trade the delivery room for a hospital parking lot, when her baby boy just couldn't wait to enter the world.

Thirty-eight weeks into her pregnancy, Tiffany Willis made her way to the hospital Friday morning after she felt contractions. But returned home after the doctor told her she was dilated only one centimeter.

As the labor progressed, however, Willis headed back to Inspira Medical Center in Vineland, N.J. in her mother's SUV.

About five minutes away from the hospital, Willis' water broke. As the they pulled up to the emergency room's front door, Willis began giving birth.

"I knew I couldn't move. I knew that I had to do it right there in the car," Willis said.

ER nurse Michelle Richmond was the first on the scene. She ran out of the hospital with just her gloves.

"She made it clear she wasn't moving from that car," said Richmond. "I told her I'm going to lay the seat down and push the seat back. Thank God it was an SUV because if it was a car, we would have been in trouble."

With her mother to support her, Willis gave birth to a healthy son right in the front seat.

"I think I'm still in shock," said Willis. "Did not think he was going to be coming that fast."

Mother, father and baby Hayden are doing fine. The little guy weighed in at 4 pounds and 12 ounces.

Ironically, Willis said she had dreams a couple weeks ago envisioning her aunt delivering the baby in a car.

Contact Sarah Glover at 610-668-5580, or follow @skyphoto on Twitter.

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