Black Friday is coming fast. Sometimes the hardest part is knowing when and where to find the deals.To get the best deals, you need to act quickly and be prepared when the clock hits 12:00am, November 25, 2011. Here are 4 tips to help you make the most of the deals.
- Prepare your holiday budget and gift list (more importantly, STICK TO IT!)
- Before you hit the stores, search online first. Sometimes the deals are better.
- If you buy a product that comes with a warranty, make sure you read the fine print and understand what you’re buying.
- Know the return policy; for both in store retailers and online.
Not only can you shop online, but you can download free iPhone and android apps to help with searching the best deals. Here are some of the best smartphone apps to checkout:
TGI Black Friday -- to plan your holiday shopping weeks before Black Friday ads are available in the newspapers. (FREE)
FastMall -- navigates any mall map Without the need for GPS or WIF. (FREE)
Better Christmas List -- Organizes your shopping lists into groups like work, family, and friends. It also integrates with your contacts, allowing you to track purchases and setup a budget. ($1.99)
The Deal Map - a shopping application that mixes retail sales with location-based services. It takes your location information and uses it to find sales, coupon offers, and other discounts in your immediate area. (FREE)
Amazon Price Check -- a search application that lets you min Amazon’s vast catalog of products, reviews, and pricing information. Let’s you search via barcode scanning, picture capture, voice search, and text search. (FREE)
Simon Malls -- includes maps of your local mall, coupons and special offers from stores within the mall, and even location-based tracking that lets you mark your location of your car in the parking lot. (FREE)
eBay Mobile -- barcode scanning so you can find an item on eBay quickly and easily. It finds and tracks auctions, bids, and contact a seller. (FREE)
Retailer Apps -- it gives sales information, pricing inventory, and store information. (FREE)
FLYDAY -- GPS-based by tracking deals in your defined area. This app is geared toward interaction with your Facebook friends and provides tools for working in teams. (FREE)
Christmas Shopper Pro -- you organize your holiday shopping list with ease. You can easily import loved ones from your address book and add gifts to each person on your list. ($0.99)
Black Friday App from Dealnews -- lets you browse Black Friday ads on your handset and save items of interest to your shopping list. (FREE)
Google Shopper -- lets you find product information by photographing cover art, scanning barcodes, and searching via voice and text. Search results include local prices, online prices, reviews, specifications, and more. (FREE)
Discount Calculator -- a shopping application that lets you calculate the price of an item after a percentage discount has been applied. This app also, calculates the amount of money you will save off the full retail price. (FREE)
eBay Mobile -- voice search, one of the hallmark features of Google’s mobile OS. It finds and tracks auctions, bids, and contact a seller. (FREE)
The Coupons App -- lets you find, manage, and share coupons using your Android handset. It uses your location to find local coupons as well as coupons from national retailers.
Retailer Apps -- it gives sales information, pricing inventory, and store information. (FREE)
Now you need to know when the malls open on Black Friday, right? We did the work for you, check out our interactive map of all of the Tri-state malls and when they are going to be up and operating.
View Black Friday Mall Hours in a larger map