Think inauguration parties and football gatherings are passé? How about an evening of comedy with a football-related name that's of "presidential proportions?" Any better?
Friday, January 16, the Pig Iron Theatre Company will bring its In-H0og-Ural Ball, what it calls a “Rip-roaring quasi-gala of presidential proportions,” to the Trocadero Theatre (1010 Arch St.).
Hosts Dito van Reigersberg (as Martha Graham Cracker) and Quinn Bauriedel will present a night full of quirky entertainment, including performers from the Philadelphia School of Circus arts; Gidget, the dancing dog; Juicyflute (of Man Man); and Jojo Decker and the Lady Accodionist Orchestra.
During the show, there will also be a silent auction, at which visitors can bid on items ranging from gym memberships to a, uh, private session with Martha Graham Cracker. Whatever that is.
It's entirely possible Eagles football will seem very, very tame after this.
General admission tickets (available here) are $30. The show begins at 8 p.m.