This week's profile is Wale Oyejide, an attorney from West Philadelphia. Philly fashion guru Sabir Peele tells us why Wale is this week's "That Guy." Photo by: David McDowell
What I like about this look?
Everything about Wale's look exudes gentlemanly confidence. His use of color, complementary patterns and fabric textures are all spot on. This particular look has so many layers that the pieces can be worn independently and still be functional.
Where could this outfit be worn?
As an attorney, it would be easy for him to wear the typical navy, Grey or black suit, but, he understands how to look professional and add his personal style. This is the perfect look to wear to a play or to the Philadelphia Museum of Art. If you want to stretch this look for a more casual day, swap out the wool dress pants for a pair of dark wash denim jeans. By adding the dark denim, you will still have the polished look that you had with the dress pants, but, will be casual enough to grab a drink at the bar without feeling overdressed.
Where can you buy this particular look?
Starting with the blazer, he went custom with Astor & Black. If you want the same look and you’re on a budget, look into brands like Brooks Brothers or Ralph Lauren. His trousers are custom made by Panta. For heavy wool trousers check out brands like Isaia and Bonobos. A strong shoe can really be the starting point and ending point for any outfit. His shoes were made by Gaziano & Girling. If you’d like a similar look, head over to Blue Sole Shoes.
Style Tips?
Not everyone is bold enough to accessorize their personal look! His gloves are a great pop of color. If you want to enhance your style but keep it simple, swap out the red gloves for a deep brown leather pair. To keep your leather consistent after changing your gloves, it would be best to go with a deep brown cap toe or wingtip shoe. Overall, he hit the nail on the head with this look.