It might be called the Spring Festival, but this annual Walnut Street event is really more like the unofficial start of summer for Rittenhouse folk and the people that love them to ogle them. This year the big event happens on Saturday, May 1 from noon to 5 p.m.
With a crowd of 65,000 expected, the people-watching is unparalleled and the food and entertainment options aren’t too shabby either. Restaurants that belong to the Rittenhouse Row organization set up shop along Walnut Street, which is closed to car traffic from Broad to 19th, and prepare and sell dishes from their menus from beneath tents, plus there’s an all-day fashion show featuring items from area boutiques, as well as a live music on multiple stages featuring local artists.
The all-ages event has face painting, children’s music and games for the junior set, so bring along both the very young and the very young at heart.
The party goes on rain or shine.