Save the Date: Company Ink

We've all been warned about dipping your pen in company ink, but let's face the fax, sometimes it pays to do a little more than just play solitaire at the office.

The days of your typical nine to five are long gone, especially if you’re a workaholic. Realistically, about 70 to 80 percent of your time is spent at the workplace, so you’re getting to know your co-workers quite well. Once you get passed those first few staples, you realize you share a lot more interests than visiting the water cooler every 30 minutes. Your schedules are the same and you relate to the same stresses and before you know it, you can't wait to see that person at the next holiday party or office happy hour.

Maybe you’re curious about doing a little dipping because your social network has limited human resources, but once you cross that line and promote your friendship to the next level, the question is:  Can an inner office relationship really work?


Memo: To all staff

Sometimes we wish that pen came with an eraser to undo what was written, but what's done is done. No “CTRL+Z” here. Regardless if it's in the workplace or on your personal time, dating still has only two outcomes. You get married or you break-up. It's how you handle the latter that you need to think about.

Now I know in this merger someone can get hurt, so really think of the consequences. Both of your careers are on the line. What stinks in these economic times (when the job market is not on your side) is that looking through the classifieds may not be the help you wanted. When the office romance fizzles and the walking papers have been passed, you really need to figure out how to deal with it.

Consider damage control. Try to keep your distance for a while. If you’re lucky enough to work in a big building, it will make it harder for your paths to cross. However, if their cubicle is across from yours, you need to just act like you did when you first started hooking up -- DISCRETE. That means don't talk about your issues with another co-worker, because it will get back to them and only make matters worse. Hopefully in time it will blow over and that transfer to the Mid-West will come through.


So what if the odds are against you for linking-up with that perfect connection at work!

You don’t have to be a flight risk to your corporation. Some of the best steamy office romances have been served up over coffee -- a little cream and sugar brewed with a few of your favorite flavors and spices.

We may be in a recession, but don’t be afraid to invest in your happiness. Just remember, you don’t want to go overboard and be greeted with a pink slip on Monday morning. Keeping minutes in your own head is a good recipe for your relationship plan. A true businessman/woman masters the balance between business and pleasure.

Now, there are still a few glitches that can shut your system down and hitting “ESC” won’t even save you. Can you afford to lose your job over a fling you’d rather keep in the confidential files? Be smart, determine the risk factor. It might be a file issue and not as costly as replacing your hard drive.

Once you’ve committed to the terms and conditions, make sure you both are signing the same contract. Clearly, no one wants to receive a severance package too early in the game.

Most importantly, keep your negotiations skills sharp because the next contract you sign, might be for a lifetime.

Having some relationship woes and need a little guidance from a male & female perspective? E-mail us so we can get you back on track to “Save The Date!!!”

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