Puckhead holiday wish list: Custom-made McFarlane figures

To help celebrate this season of ravenous craving and financial splurging, Puck Daddy presents its list of quirky luxury items for the hockey fan that has everything. Any suggestions? E-mail us, please.

What: Custom-made McFarlane SportsPicks hockey figures.
Price: DIY through $75 and higher, via FigureFanatic and eBay.

For years, McFarlane Toys has been creating stunning hockey figures through its SportsPicks collection, from Peter Forsberg way back in 2001 to this year's Series 20 featuring Nicklas Lidstrom

The series focuses on NHL stars, because McFarlane likes to make what economists have termed "a profit." Which sucks for fans of lesser lights in the League who'll never have their moment of intricately sculpted hockey figure glory. If you're someone waiting for the Eric Godard McFarlane figure to be released, it might be time to get a new hobby.

Like, for example, making one on your own.

Customizing McFarlane figures is a pastime and a cottage industry for fans. This article explains, step by step, how to go about getting materials and creating new figures from existing ones. The DIY costs seem to come under $100, depending on the cost of the original figure.

If patience and artistry aren't your bag, but spending some money is, then sites like Figure Fanatics take custom requests starting at $109. Over on eBay, there are always a few figures floating around on auction; this Markus Naslund figure with a custom retro-jersey goes for $74.99. 

To get an idea of what these custom figures can look like, check out this Chili Peppers-themed video of Philadelphia Flyers DIY sculpts:

Puckhead Holiday Wish List 2008:

Bobby Orr Power Play pinball game
Two-foot Stanley Cup replica
Puckhead holiday wish list: Non-Chiefs 'Slap Shot' sweaters

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