We've always known it and although we usually don't care what out-of-towners think of our city, it's sort of gratifying to know that people like us for more than just cheesesteaks.
According to The Independent, Philly's music scene has been and remains one of the best in America. Sweet.
"...the city is still soaked in a vibrant music scene, with indie rock bars and atmospheric Jazz cafes emanating from innumerable street corners," said Arifa Akbar of The Independent.
The article goes on to name some of the best places to check peep live music (and we don't disagree); World Cafe (winner of NBCPhiladelphia's latest Golden Local debate), Ortliebs and Tin Angel.
But the praise of our lovely city doesn't stop there, believe it or not, the Art Museum has been dubbed "impressive," our youth culture "cool" and our many murals adorning the sides of tons of buildings around the city recognized.
So there you have it Philadelphia, people finally get what we've know all along -- Philly ain't so bad!