There is just as much horse sense as ever, but the horses have most of it. ~Author Unknown
Some days I really don't know what my First is going to be. I just let it find me. Today I was working on a story when I ended up in a horse barn and an acre of land right in the middle of NE Philadelphia. Hmmm...I'm thinking this is so cool.
I've ridden horses before so that's not a first. I've certainly been in horse barns. Then Jackie Gross who owns the barn tells me they're about to start mucking. OOOH good. What's mucking??? Sounds like a first.
I think my photographer Bob Ertel is laughing because he knows exactly what Mucking is. Oh the outfit?? They loaned it to me. Sweet. I start to learn just how much fun this is going to be here.
The task? Put clean straw in one pile and put the straw with manure and urine in the wheel barrow. Maybe it's not a first. I think I have some experience shoveling horse *&^. (Just not in a horse stall.)
Look at the clean stall! I'm so proud. Patti Cianflone is showing me the way.
But I'm not done yet. Time to put down fresh straw.
I'm sure Pogo the pony was pleased with my work.
Well, I lost an earring, tore my tights, slopped around in mud and manure and smelled like horses when I left. Nice. I feel like a natural, earthy, crazy woman. Very happy to shovel you know what today.
Lu Ann Cahn is an Emmy award-winning journalist who's been in the biz for more than 30 years. She's survived motherhood, breast cancer and chasing down bad guys. Now, Lu Ann's trying to complete a year of "firsts." Can she do it? She'll be posting daily here on