The manhunt for an escaped prisoner was on in in the Mayfair section of Philadelphia Saturday afternoon.
At 2:38 three prisoners forced their way out the back door of a transport vehicle at the corner of Frankford and Cottman Avenues. The transport van was taking nine prisoners from the 15th District to Curran-Fromhold Correctional Facility.
Two of the guys were nabbed within feet of the vehicle but the third suspect got away. One officer was hurt re-arresting the two guys they caught.
The third prisoner got away, Philadelphia Police said.
The man on the run was identified as 22-year-old Omar Roane. He is described as a black male, 5-foot-7 (or 5-foot-8), 125-pounds with the letters YHM tattooed on the left side of his neck, "RIP Rob" on his right hand and two tear drops on his upper left cheek, said police.
At the time of his escape he was wearing tan shorts and a blue/green sweater-type long sleeve top.
Roane was arrested on Friday for allegedly killing 17-year-old Kyree Young in June 2009 during a robbery at 56th and Woodland Streets in Kingsessing section of the city, cops said.
The victim's mother made a plea for the capture of her son's alleged killer.
“If (Roane) stays out on these streets then he might kill somebody else -- somebody else’s kid,” said Michelle Young. “And I wouldn’t want another mother to feel what I’m feeling.”
Anybody with info on the whereabouts of Roane should contact the Homicide Unit at 215-686-3333/34 or call 9-1-1.
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