"To have seen what I saw was to see Evil. To hear what I’ve heard was to listen to the Devil. To have lived my life was to live in Sin. To achieve what I want is to be Forgiven."
That’s what Christina Rubin’s Myspace page read as of Thursday, January 15 – more than a month after she allegedly hired her boyfriend, Jeff Leinheiser, to kill her father. Exactly when the quote was posted is unknown.
Leinheiser, 20, is accused of shooting Marc David Rubin once in the head while he slept on November 28 inside his Montgomery County apartment, officials said. Investigators say the duo then left the body in the apartment for a week and attempted (but failed) to fully dismember Rubin's body with a chainsaw before dumping his remains in the Jersey Pine Barrens.
On the day Rubin was murdered, his daughter’s status, per her Facebook page, read, “Christina is livin life to the fullest wit my hubby” posted at 6:16am.
There’s a lot one can learn about another person by reading their Myspace and Facebook pages.
It’s pretty obvious that these portals give members the freedom to post and write basically anything they want from blogs to pictures to videos to links. You can take quizzes to find out what type of alcohol you are, what sex and the city character you’re most like, what your personality says about you…You can even see what biblical figure you’re most like.
So much of who we are, or who we profess to be, is so "out there" now.
With that said, let’s meet the suspects as they see themselves:
Christina Rubin
A 22-year-old, Catholic, “Mafia Princess,” living in Palermo, Sicily who has a degree in Psychology from Pennsylvania State University, and was studying for her Masters in Psychology at Chestnut Hill College; or so that’s what her Myspace page reveals.
Her page also reveals some kind of an attraction to the mafia. It’s dressed with mafia related pictures (Al Pacino in “Scarface”) and a “Mobsters” application.
The results of a personality test on her Myspace page labels her “The Giver” – “You strive to maintain harmony in relationships, and usually succeed.”
Also noted on her Myspace page:
- Christina is an expert kisser who has perfected her kiss and is adaptable, “giving each partner what they crave.”
- Christina’s personality is like ecstasy, “feeling the love for the world” surrounding her.
- Christina is a “Wild Drunk”
Jeff Leinheiser
Leinheiser’s Myspace page didn’t say he was an “Excellent Kisser” or a “Wild Drunk,” but it did reveal a bit of a dark past.
He admits to “chillin” with a group that liked to get high and drunk. And, that after stirring up trouble, robbing cars, and trying to get money, his parents sent him to a Teen Challenge when he was 16. Who knows if that had much impact? After that experience, Leinheiser wrote about selling stuff to get crack, even robbing his parents and closest friends.
But, God saved him. And, according to his Facebook page, his favorite book is the Bible.
“All I need is what keeps me alive and well, everything else goes to God, and that’s the way it goes,” is written on Leinheiser’s Myspace page.
“Gettin shifted around place to place sucks. Jail sucks, but I aint there anymore. Drug addiction blows but I aint there anymore. Work sucks but moneys pretty kool so I can make exceptions,” Leinheiser posted on Facebook November 3.
After the gruesome murder and partial dismemberment story broke, Christina got a little support on her Facebook from friends.
One friend wrote: “my girlll.. definitely miss u and am thinking of you. shit gets messed up in life.. all those times we talked I wish I could of helped you settle some stuff make better sense of it. I dont know what the full story is but i will pray for you everyday and I hope that you stay strong... nothing should ever come to what it came to but if it did it must of been pretty bad.. I know your still a beautiful person and I am thankful to of had the conversations we did. Ill never forget your friendship and well think of you in my prayers everyday girl. love u”
Another friend: “oh my god gurl i hope nuttin but the best for u”
But, here’s the thing about Facebook and Myspace. Your friends aren’t the only ones who can post comments on your page.
Here’s a recent post left on Christina’s Myspace page under a blog she wrote back in September of 2007:
“…I hope u see u dad every time u close ur eyes and u remember what u did to him I hope u can’t forgive urself ever for this horrible crime u committed...” -- January 14, 2009 - Wednesday - 4:41 AM