Jury deliberations begin today in the case of a Bucks County, Pa. woman accused of having sex with two underage teens at a party last April.
The prosecution rested yesterday after an emotional day of testimony.
Prosecutors played back a wiretapped phone conversation between the defendants, 38-year-old Angela Honeycutt, one of the 15-year-old boys who claim to have had sex with her and the boy’s mother says KYW Radio.
Honeycutt can be heard at various points crying, apologizing, denying having sexual intercourse or even touching the boys, yet admitting that sexual activity went on in a shower.
The 15-year-old boy heard on tape testified that he had sex with the single mother of two after she got drunk, danced suggestively, partially disrobed and asked the boys if they wanted to take a shower with her.
“Mrs. Honeycutt said that to please a woman, a man has to take control,” the teen — whose name is being withheld — told the jury according the Bucks County Courier Times.
Honeycutt insists that she never touched either boy sexually, despite showering naked with each. Her lawyer called no defense witnesses as reported by Philly.com.
She is charged with having intercourse with one boy and molesting the other.
The incident began as a party for about 20 freshman boys and girls at the home of Lynne Long-Higham, 46.
She testified that she had asked Honeycutt, a close friend and neighbor, to help her supervise them.
Higham, also took the stand. She backed up their accounts and confessed, "I was there when it happened, and I did not stop it," … "I was responsible for these children's well-being."
Higham has pleaded guilty to endangering the welfare of children and corruption of minors.