It's bitterly cold outside Tuesday night, as it was the night before and is certain to be on many more nights this winter.
But one homeless man in Manayunk simply refuses to come in out of the cold -- not without his dog.
"It's a mission. The mission is to find John a home -- John and Cody. They need an apartment and need to spend this winter together," said Linda Castagna.
"It's his best buddy. They’ve been together for 18 years. Cody’s going to 19-years-old on January 1st, so there is no way John is going to part with his dog,” said Castagna.
For five years now John Parker has been out on the streets of Manayunk. So has Cody. The two are never apart.
Now for the first time, at age 59 and with a bad knee, John is feeling the cold and wants to come inside. And Cody could use a warm place to curl up as well. But there's a problem…
"The problem in getting John into a shelter is he will not give up his pet and the city does not allow pets in the shelters," said Castagna.
So, Linda, who owns Surf City Tans, and her friend Tina Krovetz have made John and Cody their mission. And the guy who once worked in the textile mill that now houses a few of gentrified Manayunk's most popular businesses, can sure use the helping hand.
"Nobody wants to take him. No shelter wants to take him," said John Parker.
Linda and Tina are looking for help in their campaign. If you know of a place where John and Cody can live together or can offer some financial help, you can call Linda at 267.809.0085.
"The next step is to see if Outreach will come and take him into a intake center and get him cleaned up…hopefully for Christmas," Castagna said.
John and Cody will sleep at Surf City Tans Tuesday night. They were there Monday night too, but it's a business, not a boarding house.
John and his best friend need a place -- a warm place -- to live.
Again, if you would like to help John and Cody, please call 267.809.0085.