DIY Sneakers

CUSTOM KICKS: When stock sneakers just won't do, a custom pair of Nike's is exactly what you need.  Pick their ever popular Nike Shox Turbo style and customize every element of the shoe to your heart's content! Available at Nike, 1766 Franklin Mills Circle
Philadelphia, PA, (215) 281-3523

ART IN TIME: For an art student or just a student of art, 30,000 Years of Art is a book you can't live without.  This stunning coffee table book showcases the evolution of creative arts over diverse cultures from prehistoric to modern times. $32.97 available at

MOBILE HANDS: Keep your fingers warm and agile with Juicy's Pop Top Mittens.  These colorful wool gloves will give you full use of your hands and they even come with a handy clip so you won't lose them! $55 available at Neiman Marcus, 1634 Franklin Mills Circle, Philadelphia, PA‎, (215) 637-5900

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