So what if Valentine’s Day has come and gone—and you’re still without someone to love?
Here’s an idea: Why not compete for your chance to date a local celebrity?
At the second installment of Philly comedian Chip Chantry’s “One Man Show (With Special Guests)” on Monday, a few lucky audience members will be granted the opportunity to compete for the heart of a mystery, uh, “celebrity,” 70s-dating-game style.
Of course, we can’t say just whom that celeb guest is (we wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise), but we’re pretty sure everyone at the Khyber will be fawning all over them.
And hey, even if you don’t win the heart of Chantry’s mysterious eligible single, you can definitely enjoy the comedy stylings of Dan Goodman and Dennis Horan, the sketch work of Annimosity Pierre and a filmstrip entitled, "My Earthling Valentine." Oh, and cheap drink specials all night long, too.
The fun kicks off at 8:30 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 16 at the Khyber (56 S. 2nd St.). You don’t wanna miss this.