5 Things You Need to Know About Quizzo Bowl V

Quizzo Bowl V is Saturday. And lucky you, NBC Philadelphia readers: Quizmaster Johnny Goodtimes is generous enough to offer up the info you need to succeed.

Quizzo is a Philadelphia institution with rivalries that run deep.

And like any good institution, Philly’s Quizzo scene has a pinnacle, an annual event that brings together trivia-loving masses from Center City to Port Richmond and beyond: Quizzo Bowl.

“It’s like the Super Bowl,” says Johnny Goodtimes, Philadelphia’s trivia laureate and Quizzo Bowl’s head honcho, “but the ads are cheaper.”

Okay, so maybe that comparison’s a bit of a stretch. But Quizzo Bowl isn’t your average evening of bar trivia—it’s more like, well, Quizzo on steroids.

For one thing, about 300 triviots will be in attendance. For another, it’s not even at a bar. Instead, Quizzo Bowl will be held at New Golden Palace Chinese restaurant. Also, there will be live music from Hall and Oates cover band Haulin’ Oats and a performance from lion troupe—like you’ll see at Chinese New Year celebrations

And the winner walks with $800 cash.

We caught up with Johnny Goodtimes to get the inside scoop for you, dear NBC Philadelphia readers, on five things you need to know to have a chance at walking away with the Quizzo Bowl crown. Read on for his answers—and more QB details.

NBC Philadelphia: Okay, Johnny, why is Quizzo Bowl better than normal Quizzo?

Johnny Goodtimes: It's better than a normal evening of Quizzo for a number of reasons.
For one, the winner of this event is going home with $800. Secondly, how often at Quizzo do you get to listen to a Hall and Oates cover band between rounds? Thirdly, the winning team becomes immortalized, and gets to hold the Adam Eaton Memorial Cup for the next year.

NBC: Any tips for a first-time team?

JG: Yeah, get ready for an event unlike anything you've ever been to. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll try the duck.

NBC: Should we expect any famous or notable Philadelphians to attend?

JG: Every time I go out these days, somebody says, "I heard a rumor that Jamie Foxx is going to be here tonight." (He never shows up.) So I'm going to start that rumor for Quizzo Bowl. Yes, Jamie Foxx will be there. Tell your friends.

NBC: Wanna give NBC Philadelphia readers a leg up by sharing some questions you might ask?

JG: I'll just tell you this: Since I am holding this event at a Chinese restaurant, I suspect there will be some sort of Chinese theme with one of the rounds.

NBC: Fair enough! So why should people get off their butts and play?

JG: This is the fifth one, and every single one of the first four has been a total blast. And did I mention: Hall and Oates cover band? But seriously, this is a unique and uniquely Philly event. How often do you get to go to a show with 250 other people where you're all part of the show? It's a great community activity, and we're gonna have a lot of fun.

Quizzo Bowl V
Saturday, March 28, at New Golden Palace (801 Washington Ave.), doors at 5 p.m.
Tickets are $25—and include beer, wine, entertainnment and trivia. They’re available HERE. Dim sum will be on sale.
Maximum team size: 8
Click HERE for more details.

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