B Party: Party tonight at the Field House for their “B” Party. Dress up as anything that begins with a “B.” Stumped? Try Barbie, a bumblebee, a boxer or even a bottle of beer. For the best group costume the prize is $500. If you’re not a winner, don’t worry because the $3 domestics and $5 specialty drinks should cheer you up. Celebrate Halloween a day early tonight and head back to the Field House to watch the Phils game tomorrow. Field House, 1150 Filbert Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19107, +21, 8 p.m.
Naughty Halloween: Open bar, sexy Halloween costumes and giveaways, sounds like the perfect Mischief Night. Round up your friends and head to South Philly Bar and Grill for a $20 two-hour open bar featuring domestic drafts and well mixers. They’ll also be hosting a contest for the naughtiest and craziest Halloween costume with special giveaways. Free menu samples and specials will be open to all. Classic horror movies will also be playing throughout the bar. Get prepared for Halloween tonight in South Philly. South Philly Bar and Grill, 1235 East Passayunk Ave, Philadelphia, Pa. 19147, +21, $20, 10 p.m.
Wiz Khalifa: Party tonight at the Draught Horse for The Smoke and Mirrors Party featuring rapper, Wiz Khalifa. Khalifa is known for hit “Say Yeah” and his work with T.I., Nas, Lil’Wayne, T-Pain and Lupe Fiasco. Special performances will also include Philly’s own, Get Right and DJ Reem. Tickets are $15, but ladies are free before 10 p.m. Sip on $3 Jim Bean and $3 Magic Hats all night long. Be sure to get there early as the event is guaranteed to sell out. Draught Horse and Cherry Pit, 1431 Cecil B. Moore Ave, Philadelphia, Pa. 19122, +21, $15, 9 p.m.