
Here Are the School Districts in the Philly Burbs and Lehigh Valley Most Often Asking for Higher Taxes

A list of school districts in the Philly burbs and Lehigh Valley that have most often sought state approval to circumvent limits on school tax increases.

Pennsylvania homeowners' annual anxiety over higher property taxes has been soothed (in theory) since 2006, when state lawmakers adopted a law limiting local school taxes.

The Act 1 Index, as it's known, sets a cap on yearly increases.

But some end-arounds still exist, giving local school boards the ability to go above the Index cap because of school construction projects, pension obligations and special education costs. Earlier this decade, the number of districts seeking exemptions to the cap rose. But the trend has taken a downward turn in recent years.

Here are local school districts that have most often sought to circumvent the state tax cap.

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