Lobster with Avacado Black Truffle, White Sweet Potato and Grilled Romaine

Recipe provided by Jonathan Cichon,Lacroix


Poach lobster tails for 2 min, remove from shell
Poach lobster claws for 5 min, remove from shell

Lobster Sauce

Reduce lobster stock by half and finish with butter and squeeze of lemon.

Avocado-Black Truffle

1 Ripe Avocado
1 lime
1 tsp truffle oil
Salt and Pepper
Shaved black truffle (optional)

White Sweet Potato

2 large white sweet potato
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp rice wine vinegar
Grated ginger
White poppy seeds

Slowly blanch the sweet potato until fully cooked.  Remove and cool completely.  Cut the sweet potato into large dice and fry at 375 F until golden brown.  Combine all other ingredients and toss to glaze sweet potato.

Grilled Romaine

1 Head Romaine Lettuce
1 cup champagne vinegar
½ cup sugar
½ cup water
1 stalk lemongrass

Coriander seeds

Combine vinegar, sugar, water, lemongrass, coriander and bring to a boil.  Let cool completely.  Remove the center ribs from the romaine.  Pour the pickle over the ribs and let sit overnight.  Grill the romaine ribs for 15 seconds.

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