Sixers, Eagles Using Bulletproof Technology

The Eagles and 76ers will be jumping with little extra spring in their steps this season because of an old technology that is now being used to keep them safe.

The players' shoes will be equipped with “Unequal” insoles. The two teams were the first American sports team's to jump on board with Unequal Technologies -- the company that produces the Kevlar insoles, according to a PR Newswire release.

The Kevlar-crafted cushions absorb 80 percent of shock-wave impact and are nearly ten times cheaper then the specialty insoles used before, according to Unequal Technologies.

The insoles should help keep the athletes healthier by making it easier on their legs, said an Unequal spokesman.

Sixers and Eagles Podiatrist Dr. Lee Cohen supported those findings, said the release.

Unequal Tech had no plans to just stop at just shoes. They were also working on helmets for the NFL and MLB, equipped with the same Kevlar.

Now let's see if the added Kevlar in their steps can help the Eagles and Sixers score higher than ever by keeping them healthier.

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