What Incidents Have Happened at Your Child's School?

Do you know how safe your child is at his/her school?

The NBC 10 Investigators have compiled this list of Web sites where you can check the incident report for your child's school.

To see incident reports for any school just scroll down to your state and/or city and follow the directions.

NEW JERSEY  (click here)
-Click on the Districts tab
-From there you can chose the year, county, and district
-Then click on Incident Category Summary
-Finally, you can click on a specific school and get the information

DELAWARE  (click here)
-Chose the district from the District drop-down menu
-Then chose the school from the School drop-down menu
-Finally, chose the year and then click Get Report
-By scrolling down the PDF, you will come across School Safety and Discipline records on the fifth page

PENNSLYVANIA  (click here)
-Click on the School Safety bullet under Applications
-Then click on School Safety Historic underneath the Reports category on the left-hand side
-From there, chose the year on the left hand side
-Next, chose the type of school you are looking for (i.e.: Public School/District Report)
-Finally, click on the file with the first letter of the school district you are searching (i.e.: Abington Heights SD) Chose district on the left hand side
-Upon clicking the school district, the specific schools will appear underneath as options

PHILADELPHIA  (click here)
-Chose the region of the school from the Region drop-down menu
-Next, chose either High School, Elementary/Middle School, or Other Schools
-After choosing your school, click Go.
-Click on Data underneath the Demographics, Attendance, Suspension and Incidents heading
-Scroll down to view the Serious Incidents records

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