
Philadelphia Poles Greased With Mysterious New Substance Ahead of Super Bowl LII

“Grease up them poles, because Philly’s gonna win,” sneered Delco native Tina Fey in an unforgettable Super Bowl-inspired "Saturday Night Live" skit.

But would-be pole climbers beware. There is a new substance being slathered on poles throughout the city ahead of Sunday’s big game.

“We are about the business of allowing people to celebrate, as long as it’s done peacefully,” Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross said last week.

He declined to elaborate on exactly what would replace the infamous Crisco from two week’s ago. That particular tactic failed to prevent anyone from climbing poles when the Eagles beat the Vikings.

On Sunday morning, workers were again spotted in Center City greasing poles with a mysterious dark liquid:

A little birdie told NBC10 police were using hydraulic fluid this time, but a spokesperson would not confirm the rumor.

We do know, however, that the liquid will be green. And we don't mean Eagles green.

“Rest-assured that anything we put on poles will be biodegradable,” Philadelphia police spokesman Sgt. Eric Gripp said.

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