New Tool to Help Philly Parents Find Best Schools

Figuring out which Philadelphia school would provide a student with the best education used to require hours of research. Now the data is available in one spot.

A new tool is available to parents with children in Philadelphia Schools to help them make a more informed decision about where their child should get an education. allows parents to find the best and worst performing schools in the city.

The site offers data for more than 400 K-12 public, charter and private schools quickly and easily with a zip code or neighborhood search.

It's backed by the Philadelphia School District, the Philadelphia Archdiocese and non-profits. The website ranks each school on a 1-10 scale in areas like academic performance, safety, attendance and the college enrollment rate based on data provided by schools and standardized testing.

โ€œThe whole idea behind this site is that you have to get beyond the easy labels, and look at individual schools and compare them on specific things that theyโ€™re good and not so good at," said Mark Gleason, Philadelphia School Partnership Executive Director.

Parents can compare schools in their neighborhood and across the city.

โ€œIt allows parents to sort of push us for quality and to push us towards improvement and thatโ€™s what weโ€™d like to see by the use of this tool," said Dr. William Hite, Philadelphia School District Superintendent.

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