β€œGame of Thrones” Star Sean Bean Stabbed

Who says chivalry is dead? 

"Game of Thrones" and "Lord of the Rings" actor Sean Bean rushed to the aid of a damsel in distress outside a London pub, facing down not a testy Uruk-Hai or an enraged Dothraki, but a lewd man with a broken glass.

According to a report from the UK's Daily Mail, the incident occurred after two men began making untoward comments directed at Playboy Playmate April Summers, who had stepped outside for a smoke. Bean confronted the men, and one of them punched the actor and then stabbed him with a piece of broken glass.

Despite the wound - the glass cut Bean's arm - the 52 year-old actor refused medical attention. He was given a first aid kit from the bartender and then ordered another round.

One does not simply walk into Mordor. Nor does one simply mouth off around Bean and get away with it.

Selected Reading: MSNBC, Daily Mail, Herald Sun

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