WATCH: “A Motivated Patient”: Brian Williams Talks Knee Surgery Rehab

NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams is recovering from knee surgery and talked about his experiences as he rehabilitates. 

"My old knee felt like a bowl of burnt rice crispies every step I took and I couldn't go up a flight of stairs. Now I'm learning stairs, I'm learning how to go up a flight of stairs on this new thing," Williams said his latest interview.

Williams thanked his medical team for a successful surgery and praised the physical therapy that he's been getting.

"Without physical therapy, none of this could happen," he said. 

He also said he was a "motivated patient."

Williams is seen walking gingerly with a cane in the interview.

He admits that when he loses motivation or when physical therapy gets difficult, he reads an excerpt from a Medal of Honor coffee table book chronicling the stories of the prize's recipients to reinvigorate him.

"These guys are my motivational tool because I believe in them," Williams said. "They're my North stars."  

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